Vehicle and ATV Winches Can Easily Be Converted to Wireless

Vehicle and ATV Winches Can Easily Be Converted to Wireless

Vehicle and ATV Winches Can Easily Be Converted to Wireless

We’ve all been in a situation when your out four wheeling with some buddies in the swamp and someone gets stuck. Luckily, someone in the pack has a winch to pull them out. Now, lets change that scenario just a bit. You’re out by yourself on your ATV and you end up getting stuck without the help of any friends or peers to help get you unstuck and pulled out of the weeds. Sure you have your own winch but it gets dangerous when trying to pull yourself out and controlling your winch while either sitting on the ATV or being directly in front of it.

With, you can add our wireless remote control system to your winch and control it from up to 500 feet away. Not only does this get you out of harms way and way from any and all moving parts (and ATV itself), but also helps you get a better view of any adjustments you may need to make on the winch or ATV itself when trying to get it unstuck. A two person job turns into a one person job while promoting safety and overall efficiency.

You get the job done quicker and more easily with wireless. You don’t have to worry about spotty connections or ruining our unit with water or other weather situations including subzero temperatures. Our unit is weather potted to ensure it withstands anything you throw at it, all while covering our entire wireless remote control system with a 1 year warranty.


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